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Manual Pages  — ASA


asa – interpret carriage-control characters



asa [file ...]


The asa utility reads files sequentially, mapping FORTRAN carriage-control characters to line-printer control sequences, and writes them to the standard output.

The first character of each line is interpreted as a carriage-control character. The following characters are interpreted as follows:
  Output the rest of the line without change.
0 Output a <newline> character before printing the rest of the line.
1 Output a <formfeed> character before printing the rest of the line.
amp;+ The trailing <newline> of the previous line is replaced by a <carriage-return> before printing the rest of the line.

Lines beginning with characters other than the above are treated as if they begin with <space>.


The utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


To view a file containing the output of a FORTRAN program:

    asa file

To format the output of a FORTRAN program and redirect it to a line-printer:

    a.out | asa | lpr




The asa utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 ("POSIX.1").


J.T. Conklin, Winning Strategies, Inc.

ASA (1) May 9, 2002

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Enjoys work, but she likes the beach more.
She found a good way
To combine work and play:
She sells C shells by the seashore.