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Manual Pages  — LOOK


look – display lines beginning with a given string



look [-df] [-t termchar] string [file ...]


The look utility displays any lines in file which contain string as a prefix. As look performs a binary search, the lines in file must be sorted.

If file is not specified, the file /usr/share/dict/words is used, only alphanumeric characters are compared and the case of alphabetic characters is ignored.

The following options are available:
-d -, --alphanum
  Dictionary character set and order, i.e., only alphanumeric characters are compared.
-f -, --ignore-case
  Ignore the case of alphabetic characters.
-t -, --terminate termchar
  Specify a string termination character, i.e., only the characters in string up to and including the first occurrence of termchar are compared.


The LANG, LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE environment variables affect the execution of the look utility. Their effect is described in environ(7).


  the dictionary


The look utility exits 0 if one or more lines were found and displayed, 1 if no lines were found, and >1 if an error occurred.


The original manual page stated that tabs and blank characters participated in comparisons when the -d option was specified. This was incorrect and the current man page matches the historic implementation.

The -a and --alternative flags are ignored for compatibility.


grep(1), sort(1)


A look utility appeared in AT&T v7 .


Lines are not compared according to the current locale's collating order. Input files must be sorted with LC_COLLATE set to ‘C’.

LOOK (1) July 17, 2004

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