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Manual Pages  — SPLIT


split – split a file into pieces



split -d [-l line_count] [-a suffix_length] [file [prefix]]
split -d -b byte_count [ K|k|M|m|G|g] [-a suffix_length] [file [prefix]]
split -d -n chunk_count [-a suffix_length] [file [prefix]]
split -d -p pattern [-a suffix_length] [file [prefix]]


The split utility reads the given file and breaks it up into files of 1000 lines each (if no options are specified), leaving the file unchanged. If file is a single dash ('-') or absent, split reads from the standard input.

The options are as follows:
-a suffix_length
  Use suffix_length letters to form the suffix of the file name.
-b byte_count[
  K|k|M|m|G|g] Create split files byte_count bytes in length. If k or K is appended to the number, the file is split into byte_count kilobyte pieces. If m or M is appended to the number, the file is split into byte_count megabyte pieces. If g or G is appended to the number, the file is split into byte_count gigabyte pieces.
  Use a numeric suffix instead of a alphabetic suffix.
-l line_count
  Create split files line_count lines in length.
-n chunk_count
  Split file into chunk_count smaller files. The first n - 1 files will be of size (size of file / chunk_count ) and the last file will contain the remaining bytes.
-p pattern
  The file is split whenever an input line matches pattern, which is interpreted as an extended regular expression. The matching line will be the first line of the next output file. This option is incompatible with the -b and -l options.

If additional arguments are specified, the first is used as the name of the input file which is to be split. If a second additional argument is specified, it is used as a prefix for the names of the files into which the file is split. In this case, each file into which the file is split is named by the prefix followed by a lexically ordered suffix using suffix_length characters in the range "a-z". If -a is not specified, two letters are used as the suffix.

If the prefix argument is not specified, the file is split into lexically ordered files named with the prefix "x" and with suffixes as above.


The LANG, LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LC_COLLATE environment variables affect the execution of split as described in environ(7).


The utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


Split input into as many files as needed, so that each file contains at most 2 lines:
$ echo -e "first line econd line hird line orth line" | split -l2

Split input in chunks of 10 bytes using numeric prefixes for file names. This generates two files of 10 bytes (x00 and x01) and a third file (x02) with the remaining 2 bytes:

$ echo -e "This is 22 bytes long" | split -d -b10

Split input generating 6 files:

echo -e "This is 22 bytes long" | split -n 6

Split input creating a new file every time a line matches the regular expression for a "t" followed by either "a" or "u" thus creating two files:

$ echo -e "stack tock tuck nother line" | split -p 't[au]'


csplit(1), re_format(7)


The split utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 ("POSIX.1").


A split command appeared in AT&T v3 .

Before FreeBSD 14, pattern and line matching only operated on lines shorter than 65,536 bytes.

SPLIT (1) October 25, 2022

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Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what's wrong.”