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#include <ctype.h>
In the ASCII character set, this includes the following characters (with their numeric values shown in octal):
amp;040 sp | 041 ``!'' | 042 `` '' | 043 ``#'' | 044 ``$'' |
amp;045 ``%'' | 046 ``&'' | 047 ``''' | 050 ``('' | 051 ``)'' |
amp;052 ``*'' | 053 ``+'' | 054 ``,'' | 055 ``-'' | 056 ``.'' |
amp;057 ``/'' | 060 ``0'' | 061 ``1'' | 062 ``2'' | 063 ``3'' |
amp;064 ``4'' | 065 ``5'' | 066 ``6'' | 067 ``7'' | 070 ``8'' |
amp;071 ``9'' | 072 ``:'' | 073 ``;'' | 074 ``<'' | 075 ``='' |
amp;076 ``>'' | 077 ``?'' | 100 ``@'' | 101 ``A'' | 102 ``B'' |
amp;103 ``C'' | 104 ``D'' | 105 ``E'' | 106 ``F'' | 107 ``G'' |
amp;110 ``H'' | 111 ``I'' | 112 ``J'' | 113 ``K'' | 114 ``L'' |
amp;115 ``M'' | 116 ``N'' | 117 ``O'' | 120 ``P'' | 121 ``Q'' |
amp;122 ``R'' | 123 ``S'' | 124 ``T'' | 125 ``U'' | 126 ``V'' |
amp;127 ``W'' | 130 ``X'' | 131 ``Y'' | 132 ``Z'' | 133 ``['' |
amp;134 ``\'' | 135 ``]'' | 136 ``^'' | 137 ``_'' | 140 ```'' |
amp;141 ``a'' | 142 ``b'' | 143 ``c'' | 144 ``d'' | 145 ``e'' |
amp;146 ``f'' | 147 ``g'' | 150 ``h'' | 151 ``i'' | 152 ``j'' |
amp;153 ``k'' | 154 ``l'' | 155 ``m'' | 156 ``n'' | 157 ``o'' |
amp;160 ``p'' | 161 ``q'' | 162 ``r'' | 163 ``s'' | 164 ``t'' |
amp;165 ``u'' | 166 ``v'' | 167 ``w'' | 170 ``x'' | 171 ``y'' |
amp;172 ``z'' | 173 ``{'' | 174 ``|'' | 175 ``}'' | 176 ``~'' |
The isprint_l() function takes an explicit locale argument, whereas the isprint() function uses the current global or per-thread locale.
ISPRINT (3) | December 19, 2022 |
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