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#include <ctype.h>
In the ASCII character set, this includes the following characters (with their numeric values shown in octal):
amp;041 ``!'' | 042 `` '' | 043 ``#'' | 044 ``$'' | 045 ``%'' |
amp;046 ``&'' | 047 ``''' | 050 ``('' | 051 ``)'' | 052 ``*'' |
amp;053 ``+'' | 054 ``,'' | 055 ``-'' | 056 ``.'' | 057 ``/'' |
amp;072 ``:'' | 073 ``;'' | 074 ``<'' | 075 ``='' | 076 ``>'' |
amp;077 ``?'' | 100 ``@'' | 133 ``['' | 134 ``\'' | 135 ``]'' |
amp;136 ``^'' | 137 ``_'' | 140 ```'' | 173 ``{'' | 174 ``|'' |
amp;175 ``}'' | 176 ``~'' | amp; | amp; | amp; |
The ispunct_l() function takes an explicit locale argument, whereas the ispunct() function uses the current global or per-thread locale.
ISPUNCT (3) | July 30, 2012 |
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