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#include <rtld_db.h>
Most library functions take a rd_agent_t argument. This argument is an opaque structure containing information associated with the current status of the agent.
Before you start using librtld_db you should call rd_init() with the RD_VERSION argument. This initializes the library to the correct version your program was compiled with and provides proper ABI stability.
What follows is a description of what each function.
rd_new() creates a new librtld_db agent. The php argument should be the proc_handle you received from libproc(3).
rd_reset() resets your previously created agent.
rd_delete() deallocates the resources associated with the agent.
rd_errstr() returns an error string describing the error present in rderr.
rd_event_enable() enables reporting of events. This function always returns RD_OK.
rd_event_addr() returns the event address corresponding to the event parameter. At the moment we only report events of type RD_NOTIFY_BPT.
rd_event_getmsg() returns the message associated with the latest event. At the moment only RD_POSTINIT events are supported.
rd_loadobj_iter() allows you to iterate over the program's loaded objects. cb is a callback of type rl_iter_f().
LIBRTLD_DB (3) | June 10, 2010 |
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“ | An ASCII character walks into a bar and orders a double. "Having a bad day?" asks the barman. "Yeah, I have a parity error," replies the ASCII character. The barman says, "Yeah, I thought you looked a bit off." | ” |