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Manual Pages  — PMC.OCTEON


pmc.octeon – measurement events for Octeon family CPUs



Performance Counters Library (libpmc, -lpmc)


#include <pmc.h>


There are two counters per core supported by the hardware and each is 64 bits wide.

Event Specifiers (Programmable PMCs)

MIPS programmable PMCs support the following events:
CLK (Event 1) Conditionally clocked cycles (as opposed to count/cvm_count which count even with no clocks)
ISSUE (Event 2) Instructions issued but not retired
RET (Event 3) Instructions retired
NISSUE (Event 4) Cycles no issue
SISSUE (Event 5) Cycles single issue
DISSUE (Event 6) Cycles dual issue
IFI (Event 7) Cycle ifetch issued (but not necessarily commit to pp_mem)
BR (Event 8) Branches retired
BRMIS (Event 9) Branch mispredicts
J (Event 10) Jumps retired
JMIS (Event 11) Jumps mispredicted
REPLAY (Event 12) Mem Replays
IUNA (Event 13) Cycles idle due to unaligned_replays
TRAP (Event 14) trap_6a signal
UULOAD (Event 16) Unexpected unaligned loads (REPUN=1)
  (Event 17) Unexpected unaligned store (REPUN=1)
ULOAD (Event 18) Unaligned loads (REPUN=1 or USEUN=1)
USTORE (Event 19) Unaligned store (REPUN=1 or USEUN=1)
EC (Event 20) Exec clocks(must set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate timing)
MC (Event 21) Mul clocks(must set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate timing)
CC (Event 22) Crypto clocks(must set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate timing)
CSRC (Event 23) Issue_csr clocks(must set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate timing)
CFETCH (Event 24) Icache committed fetches (demand+prefetch)
CPREF (Event 25) Icache committed prefetches
ICA (Event 26) Icache aliases
II (Event 27) Icache invalidates
IP (Event 28) Icache parity error
CIMISS (Event 29) Cycles idle due to imiss (must set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate timing)
WBUF (Event 32) Number of write buffer entries created
WDAT (Event 33) Number of write buffer data cycles used (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate counts)
WBUFLD (Event 34) Number of write buffer entries forced out by loads
WBUFFL (Event 35) Number of cycles that there was no available write buffer entry (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] and CvmMemCtl[MCLK] for accurate counts)
WBUFTR (Event 36) Number of stores that found no available write buffer entries
BADD (Event 37) Number of address bus cycles used (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate counts)
BADDL2 (Event 38) Number of address bus cycles not reflected (i.e. destined for L2) (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate counts)
BFILL (Event 39) Number of fill bus cycles used (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate counts)
DDIDS (Event 40) Number of Dstream DIDs created
IDIDS (Event 41) Number of Istream DIDs created
DIDNA (Event 42) Number of cycles that no DIDs were available (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] and CvmMemCtl[MCLK] for accurate counts)
LDS (Event 43) Number of load issues
LMLDS (Event 44) Number of local memory load
IOLDS (Event 45) Number of I/O load issues
DMLDS (Event 46) Number of loads that were not prefetches and missed in the cache
STS (Event 48) Number of store issues
LMSTS (Event 49) Number of local memory store issues
IOSTS (Event 50) Number of I/O store issues
IOBDMA (Event 51) Number of IOBDMAs
DTLB (Event 53) Number of dstream TLB refill, invalid, or modified exceptions
DTLBAD (Event 54) Number of dstream TLB address errors
ITLB (Event 55) Number of istream TLB refill, invalid, or address error exceptions
SYNC (Event 56) Number of SYNC stall cycles (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate counts)
  (Event 57) Number of SYNCIOBDMA stall cycles (may need to set CvmCtl[DISCE] for accurate counts)
SYNCW (Event 58) Number of SYNCWs
  (Event 64) D/eret mispredicts (CN63XX specific)
LIKMIS (Event 65) Branch likely mispredicts (CN63XX specific)
HAZTR (Event 66) Hazard traps due to *MTC0 to CvmCtl, Perf counter control, EntryHi, or CvmMemCtl registers (CN63XX specific)

Event Name Aliases

The following table shows the mapping between the PMC-independent aliases supported by Performance Counters Library (libpmc, -lpmc)and the underlying hardware events used.
Alias Event


pmc(3), pmc.atom(3), pmc.core(3), pmc.iaf(3), pmc.k7(3), pmc.k8(3), pmc.mips24k(3), pmc.p4(3), pmc.p5(3), pmc.p6(3), pmc.soft(3), pmc.tsc(3), pmc_cpuinfo(3), pmclog(3), hwpmc(4)


The pmc library first appeared in FreeBSD 6.0 .


The Performance Counters Library (libpmc, -lpmc)library was written by Joseph Koshy <Mt jkoshy@FreeBSD.org>. MIPS support was added by George Neville-Neil <Mt gnn@FreeBSD.org>.

PMC.OCTEON (3) March 24, 2012

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I have a natural revulsion to any operating system that shows so little planning as to have to named all of its commands after digestive noises (awk, grep, fsck, nroff).