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Manual Pages  — SIGINFO


siginfo – signal generation information



#include <signal.h>


A process may request signal information when it is catching a signal. The information specifies why the system generated that signal. To request signal information in a signal handler, the user can set SA_SIGINFO in sa_flags before sigaction(2) is called, otherwise the user can use sigwaitinfo(2) and sigtimedwait(2) to get signal information. In either case, the system returns the information in a structure of type siginfo_t, which includes the following information:
Type Member Description

si_signosignal number

si_errnoerror number

si_codesignal code

union sigval
si_valuesignal value

si_pidsending process ID

si_uidsending process's real user ID

*si_addraddress of faulting instruction

si_statusexit value or signal

si_bandband event for SIGPOLL

si_trapnomachine trap code

si_timerid POSIX timer ID

si_overrun POSIX timer overrun count

si_mqd POSIX message queue ID

The si_signo member contains the signal number.

The si_errno member contains an error number defined in the file <errno.h>.

The si_code member contains a code which describes the cause of the signal. The macros specified in the Code column of the following table are defined for use as values of si_code that are signal-specific or non-signal-specific reasons why the signal was generated:
Signal Code Reason
SIGILL ILL_ILLOPCillegal opcode
ILL_ILLOPNillegal operand
ILL_ILLADRillegal addressing mode
ILL_ILLTRPillegal trap
ILL_PRVOPCillegal privileged opcode
ILL_PRVREGillegal privileged register
ILL_COPROCcoprocessor error
ILL_BADSTKinternal stack error
SIGFPE FPE_INTDIVinteger divide by zero
FPE_INTOVFinteger overflow
FPE_FLTDIVfloating-point divide by zero
FPE_FLTOVFfloating-point overflow
FPE_FLTUNDfloating-point underflow
FPE_FLTRESfloating-point inexact result
FPE_FLTINVinvalid floating-point operation
FPE_FLTSUBsubscript out of range
SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERRaddress not mapped to object
SEGV_ACCERRinvalid permissions for mapped object
SIGBUS BUS_ADRALNinvalid address alignment
BUS_ADRERRnonexistent physical address
BUS_OBJERRobject-specific hardware error
BUS_OOMERRcannot alloc a page to map at fault
SIGTRAP TRAP_BRKPTprocess breakpoint
TRAP_TRACEprocess trace trap
TRAP_DTRACEDTrace induced trap
TRAP_CAPcapabilities protective trap
SIGCHLD CLD_EXITEDchild has exited
CLD_KILLEDchild has terminated abnormally and did not create a core file
CLD_DUMPEDchild has terminated abnormally and created a core file
CLD_TRAPPEDtraced child has trapped
CLD_STOPPEDchild has stopped
CLD_CONTINUEDstopped child has continued
SIGPOLL POLL_INdata input available
POLL_OUToutput buffers available
POLL_MSGinput message available
POLL_PRIhigh priority input available
POLL_HUPdevice disconnected

SI_NOINFOOnly the si_signo member is meaningful; the value of all other members is unspecified.
SI_USERsignal sent by kill(2)
SI_QUEUEsignal sent by sigqueue(2)
SI_TIMERsignal generated by expiration of a timer set by timer_settime(2)
SI_ASYNCIOsignal generated by completion of an asynchronous I/O request
SI_MESGQsignal generated by arrival of a message on an empty message queue
SI_KERNELsignal generated by miscellaneous parts of the kernel
SI_LWPsignal sent by pthread_kill(3)

In addition, the following signal-specific information is available:
Signal Member Value
SIGILL si_addraddress of faulting instruction
si_trapnomachine dependent of trap code
SIGFPE si_addraddress of faulting instruction
si_trapnomachine dependent of trap code
SIGSEGV si_addraddress of faulting memory reference
si_trapnomachine dependent of trap code
SIGBUS si_addraddress of faulting instruction
si_trapnomachine dependent of trap code
SIGCHLD si_pidchild process ID
si_statusexit value or signal; if si_code is equal to CLD_EXITED, then it is equal to the exit value of the child process, otherwise, it is equal to a signal that caused the child process to change state.
si_uid real user ID of the process that sent the signal
SIGPOLL si_band band event for POLL_IN, POLL_OUT, or POLL_MSG

Finally, the following code-specific information is available:
Code Member Value
SI_USER si_pidthe process ID that sent the signal
si_uidreal user ID of the process that sent the signal
SI_QUEUE si_valuethe value passed to sigqueue(2) system call
si_pidthe process ID that sent the signal
si_uidreal user ID of the process that sent the signal
SI_TIMER si_valuethe value passed to timer_create(2) system call
si_timeridthe timer ID returned by timer_create(2) system call
si_overruntimer overrun count corresponding to the signal
si_errnoIf timer overrun will be { DELAYTIMER_MAX}, an error code defined in <errno.h> is set
SI_ASYNCIO si_valuethe value passed to aio system calls
SI_MESGQ si_valuethe value passed to mq_notify(2) system call
si_mqdthe ID of the message queue which generated the signal
SI_LWP si_pidthe process ID that sent the signal
si_uidreal user ID of the process that sent the signal


Currently, the kernel never generates the SIGPOLL signal. SIGCHLD signal is queued when a process changed its status or exited. POSIX Realtime Extensions like aio, timer, and message queue also queue signals. Signals with code SI_USER, SI_KERNEL or SI_LWP are only queued if there are sufficient resources; otherwise, SI_NOINFO results. For some hardware architectures, the exact value of si_addr might not be available.


aio_read(2), kill(2), mq_notify(2), sigaction(2), sigqueue(2), sigwaitinfo(2), timer_create(2), timer_settime(2), waitpid(2), pthread_kill(3)


The siginfo_t type conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2004 ("POSIX.1").


Full support for POSIX signal information first appeared in FreeBSD 7.0 . The codes SI_USER and SI_KERNEL can be generated as of FreeBSD 8.1 . The code SI_LWP can be generated as of FreeBSD 9.0 .


This manual page was written by David Xu <Mt davidxu@FreeBSD.org>.

SIGINFO (3) May 8, 2020

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