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Manual Pages  — EFIRT


efirt, efi_rt_ok, efi_get_table, efi_get_time, efi_get_time_capabilities, efi_reset_system, efi_set_time, efi_var_get, efi_var_nextname, efi_var_set – kernel access to UEFI runtime services



options EFIRT

#include <sys/efi.h>


efi_get_table(struct uuid *uuid, void **ptr);

efi_get_time(struct efi_tm *tm);

efi_get_time_capabilities(struct efi_tmcap *tmcap);


efi_set_time(struct efi_tm *tm);

efi_var_get(uint16_t *name, struct uuid *vendor, uint32_t *attrib);

"size_t *datasize" "void *data"
efi_var_nextname(size_t *namesize, uint16_t *name, struct uuid *vendor);

efi_var_set(uint16_t *name, struct uuid *vendor, uint32_t *attrib);

"size_t *datasize" "void *data"


All of the following calls will return ENXIO if UEFI runtime services are not available. efirt is currently only available on amd64 and arm64.

The efi_rt_ok() Returns 0 if UEFI runtime services are present and functional, or ENXIO if not.

The efi_get_table() function gets a table by uuid from the UEFI system table. Returns 0 if the table was found and populates *ptr with the address. Returns ENXIO if the configuration table or system table are unset. Returns ENOENT if the requested table cannot be found.

The efi_get_time() function gets the current time from the RTC, if available. Returns 0 and populates the struct efi_tm on success. Returns EINVAL if the struct efi_tm is NULL, or EIO if the time could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.

The efi_get_time_capabilities() function gets the capabilities from the RTC. Returns 0 and populates the struct efi_tmcap on success. Returns EINVAL if the struct efi_tm is NULL, or EIO if the time could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.

The efi_reset_system() function requests a warm reset and reboot of the system.

The efi_set_time() function sets the time on the RTC to the time described by the struct efi_tm passed in. Returns 0 on success, EINVAL if a time field is out of range, or EIO if the time could not be set due to a hardware error.

The efi_var_get() function fetches the variable identified by vendor and name. Returns 0 and populates attrib, datasize, and data on success. Otherwise, one of the following errors are returned:
ENOENT The variable was not found.
  datasize is not sufficient to hold the variable data. namesize is updated to reflect the size needed to complete the request.
EINVAL One of name, vendor, or datasize are NULL. Alternatively, datasize is large enough to hold the response but data is NULL.
EIO The variable could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.
EDOOFUS The variable could not be retireved due to an authentication failure.

The efi_var_nextname() function is used for enumeration of variables. On the initial call to efi_var_nextname(), name should be an empty string. Subsequent calls should pass in the last name and vendor returned until ENOENT is returned. Returns 0 and populates namesize, name, and vendor with the next variable's data. Otherwise, returns one of the following errors:
ENOENT The next variable was not found.
  datasize is not sufficient to hold the variable data. namesize is updated to reflect the size needed to complete the request.
EINVAL One of name, vendor, or datasize are NULL.
EIO The variable could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.

The efi_var_set() function sets the variable described by name and vendor. Returns 0 if the variable has been successfully. Otherwise, returns one of the following errors:
EINVAL Either attrib was an invalid combination of attributes, datasize exceeds the maximum allowed size, or name is an empty Unicode stirng.
EAGAIN Not enough storage is available to hold the variable and its data.
EIO The variable could not be saved due to a hardware error.
EROFS The variable in question is read-only or may not be deleted.
EDOOFUS The varialbe could not be set due to an authentication failure.
ENOENT The variable trying to be updated or deleted was not found.




This manual page was written by Kyle Evans <Mt kevans@FreeBSD.org>.

EFIRT (9) August 12, 2018

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