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Manual Pages  — THR_SUSPEND


thr_suspend – suspend the calling thread



Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


#include <sys/thr.h>

thr_suspend(struct timespec *timeout);


This function is intended for implementing threading. Normal applications should use pthread_cond_timedwait(3) together with pthread_cond_broadcast(3) for typical safe suspension with cooperation of the thread being suspended, or pthread_suspend_np(3) and pthread_resume_np(3) in some specific situations, instead.

The thr_suspend() system call puts the calling thread in a suspended state, where it is not eligible for CPU time. This state is exited by another thread calling thr_wake(2), when the time interval specified by timeout has elapsed, or by the delivery of a signal to the suspended thread.

If the timeout argument is NULL, the suspended state can be only terminated by explicit thr_wake() or signal.

If a wake from thr_wake(2) was delivered before the thr_suspend call, the thread is not put into a suspended state. Instead, the call returns immediately without an error.

If a thread previously called thr_wake(2) with its own thread identifier, which resulted in setting the internal kernel flag to immediately abort interruptible sleeps with an EINTR error ( see thr_wake(2) ), the flag is cleared. As with thr_wake(2) called from another thread, the next thr_suspend call does not result in suspension.


The thr_suspend function returns the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error.


The thr_suspend() operation returns the following errors:
  The memory pointed to by the timeout argument is not valid.
  The specified timeout expired.
  The timeout argument specified a zero time interval.
  The sleep was interrupted by a signal.


ps(1), thr_wake(2), pthread_resume_np(3), pthread_suspend_np(3)


The thr_suspend() system call is non-standard.

THR_SUSPEND (2) September 23, 2016

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