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Manual Pages  — CCOSH


ccosh, ccoshf, csinh, csinhf, ctanh, ctanhf – complex hyperbolic functions



Math Library (libm, -lm)


#include <complex.h>

double complex
ccosh(double complex z);

float complex
ccoshf(float complex z);

double complex
csinh(double complex z);

float complex
csinhf(float complex z);

double complex
ctanh(double complex z);

float complex
ctanhf(float complex z);


The ccosh(), csinh(), and ctanh() functions compute the hyperbolic cosine, sine, and tangent of the complex number z, respectively. The ccoshf(), csinhf(), and ctanhf() functions perform the same operations in float precision.


cacosh(3), ccos(3), complex(3), cosh(3), math(3), sinh(3), tanh(3)


These functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 ("ISO C99").

CCOSH (3) October 17, 2011

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Today, the Unix equivalent of a power drill would have 20 dials and switches, come with a nonstandard plug, require the user to hand-wind the motor coil, and not accept 3/8" or 7/8" drill bits (though this would be documented in the BUGS section of its instruction manual).
— The Unix Haters' handbook