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Manual Pages  — UEFISIGN


uefisign – UEFI Secure Boot signing utility



uefisign -k key -c certificate -o output [-v] file
uefisign -V [-v] file


The uefisign utility signs PE binary files using Authenticode scheme, as required by UEFI Secure Boot specification. Alternatively, it can be used to view and verify existing signatures. These options are available:
  Determine whether the file is signed. Note that this does not verify the correctness of the signature; only that the file contains a signature.
  Name of file containing the private key used to sign the binary.
  Name of file containing the certificate used to sign the binary.
  Name of file to write the signed binary to.
  Be verbose.


The uefisign utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


Generate self-signed certificate and use it to sign a binary:

    /usr/share/examples/uefisign/uefikeys testcert

    uefisign -c testcert.pem -k testcert.key -o signed-binary binary

View signature:

    uefisign -Vv binary


openssl(1), loader(8), uefi(8)


The uefisign command appeared in FreeBSD 10.2 .


The uefisign utility was developed by Edward Tomasz Napierala <Mt trasz@FreeBSD.org> under sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation.

UEFISIGN (8) July 11, 2015

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