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Manual Pages  — ZFS-USERSPACE


zfs-userspace – display space and quotas of ZFS dataset



zfs userspace [-Hinp] [-o field[,field ]… ] [-s field ]… [-S field ]… [-t type[,type ]… ] filesystem|snapshot|path
zfs groupspace [-Hinp] [-o field[,field ]… ] [-s field ]… [-S field ]… [-t type[,type ]… ] filesystem|snapshot|path
zfs projectspace [-Hp] [-o field[,field ]… ] [-s field ]… [-S field ]… filesystem|snapshot|path


zfs userspace [-Hinp] [-o field[,field ]… ] [-s field ]… [-S field ]… [-t type[,type ]… ] filesystem|snapshot|path Displays space consumed by, and quotas on, each user in the specified filesystem, snapshot, or path. If a path is given, the filesystem that contains that path will be used. This corresponds to the userused@ user, userobjused@ user, userquota@ user, and userobjquota@ user properties.
  Do not print headers, use tab-delimited output.
-S field
  Sort by this field in reverse order. See -s.
  Translate SID to POSIX ID. The POSIX ID may be ephemeral if no mapping exists. Normal POSIX interfaces (likestat(2), ls) perform this translation, so the -i option allows the output from zfs to be compared directly with those utilities. However, -i may lead to confusion if some files were created by an SMB user before a SMB-to-POSIX name mapping was established. In such a case, some files will be owned by the SMB entity and some by the POSIX entity. However, the -i option will report that the POSIX entity has the total usage and quota for both.
  Print numeric ID instead of user/group name.
-o field[,field ]…
  Display only the specified fields from the following set: type, name, used, quota. The default is to display all fields.
  Use exact (parsable) numeric output.
-s field
  Sort output by this field. The -s and -S flags may be specified multiple times to sort first by one field, then by another. The default is -s type -s name.
-t type[,type ]…
  Print only the specified types from the following set: all, posixuser, smbuser, posixgroup, smbgroup. The default is -t posixuser, smbuser. The default can be changed to include group types.
zfs groupspace [-Hinp] [-o field[,field ]… ] [-s field ]… [-S field ]… [-t type[,type ]… ] filesystem|snapshot Displays space consumed by, and quotas on, each group in the specified filesystem or snapshot. This subcommand is identical to userspace, except that the default types to display are -t posixgroup, smbgroup.
zfs projectspace [-Hp] [-o field[,field ]… ] [-s field ]… [-S field ]… filesystem|snapshot|path Displays space consumed by, and quotas on, each project in the specified filesystem or snapshot. This subcommand is identical to userspace, except that the project identifier is a numeral, not a name. So need neither the option -i for SID to POSIX ID nor -n for numeric ID, nor -t for types.


zfsprops(7), zfs-set(8)

ZFS-USERSPACE (8) June 30, 2019

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— Ken Pier, Xerox PARC