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Manual Pages  — ZFS-MOUNT


zfs-mount – manage mount state of ZFS filesystems



zfs mount
zfs mount [-Oflv] [-o options] -a | filesystem
zfs unmount [-fu] -a | filesystem|mountpoint


zfs mount Displays all ZFS file systems currently mounted.
zfs mount [-Oflv] [-o options] -a | filesystem Mount ZFS filesystem on a path described by its mountpoint property, if the path exists and is empty. If mountpoint is set to legacy, the filesystem should be instead mounted using mount(8).
  Perform an overlay mount. Allows mounting in non-empty mountpoint. See mount(8) for more information.
  Mount all available ZFS file systems. Invoked automatically as part of the boot process if configured.
  Mount the specified filesystem.
-o options
  An optional, comma-separated list of mount options to use temporarily for the duration of the mount. See the Temporary Mount Point Properties section of zfsprops(7) for details.
  Load keys for encrypted filesystems as they are being mounted. This is equivalent to executing zfs on each encryption root before mounting it. Note that if a filesystem has keylocation= prompt, this will cause the terminal to interactively block after asking for the key.
  Report mount progress.
  Attempt to force mounting of all filesystems, even those that couldn't normally be mounted (e.g. redacted datasets).
zfs unmount [-fu] -a | filesystem|mountpoint Unmounts currently mounted ZFS file systems.
  Unmount all available ZFS file systems. Invoked automatically as part of the shutdown process.
  Forcefully unmount the file system, even if it is currently in use. This option is not supported on Linux.
  Unload keys for any encryption roots unmounted by this command.
  Unmount the specified filesystem. The command can also be given a path to a ZFS file system mount point on the system.

ZFS-MOUNT (8) February 16, 2019

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