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Manual Pages  — ZPOOL-EVENTS


zpool-events – list recent events generated by kernel



zpool events [-vHf] [pool]
zpool events -c


Lists all recent events generated by the ZFS kernel modules. These events are consumed by the zed(8) and used to automate administrative tasks such as replacing a failed device with a hot spare. For more information about the subclasses and event payloads that can be generated see EVENTS and the following sections.


-c Clear all previous events.
-f Follow mode.
-H Scripted mode. Do not display headers, and separate fields by a single tab instead of arbitrary space.
-v Print the entire payload for each event.


These are the different event subclasses. The full event name would be ereport.fs.zfs.amp; SUBCLASS, but only the last part is listed here.

checksum Issued when a checksum error has been detected.
io Issued when there is an I/O error in a vdev in the pool.
data Issued when there have been data errors in the pool.
deadman Issued when an I/O request is determined to be "hung", this can be caused by lost completion events due to flaky hardware or drivers. See zfs_deadman_failmode in zfs(4) for additional information regarding "hung" I/O detection and configuration.
delay Issued when a completed I/O request exceeds the maximum allowed time specified by the zio_slow_io_ms module parameter. This can be an indicator of problems with the underlying storage device. The number of delay events is ratelimited by the zfs_slow_io_events_per_second module parameter.
config Issued every time a vdev change have been done to the pool.
zpool Issued when a pool cannot be imported.
zpool.destroy Issued when a pool is destroyed.
zpool.export Issued when a pool is exported.
zpool.import Issued when a pool is imported.
zpool.reguid Issued when a REGUID (new unique identifier for the pool have been regenerated) have been detected.
vdev.unknown Issued when the vdev is unknown. Such as trying to clear device errors on a vdev that have failed/been kicked from the system/pool and is no longer available.
vdev.open_failed Issued when a vdev could not be opened (because it didn't exist for example).
vdev.corrupt_data Issued when corrupt data have been detected on a vdev.
vdev.no_replicas Issued when there are no more replicas to sustain the pool. This would lead to the pool being DEGRADED.
vdev.bad_guid_sum Issued when a missing device in the pool have been detected.
vdev.too_small Issued when the system (kernel) have removed a device, and ZFS notices that the device isn't there any more. This is usually followed by a probe_failure event.
vdev.bad_label Issued when the label is OK but invalid.
vdev.bad_ashift Issued when the ashift alignment requirement has increased.
vdev.remove Issued when a vdev is detached from a mirror (or a spare detached from a vdev where it have been used to replace a failed drive - only works if the original drive have been re-added).
vdev.clear Issued when clearing device errors in a pool. Such as running zpool on a device in the pool.
vdev.check Issued when a check to see if a given vdev could be opened is started.
vdev.spare Issued when a spare have kicked in to replace a failed device.
vdev.autoexpand Issued when a vdev can be automatically expanded.
io_failure Issued when there is an I/O failure in a vdev in the pool.
probe_failure Issued when a probe fails on a vdev. This would occur if a vdev have been kicked from the system outside of ZFS (such as the kernel have removed the device).
log_replay Issued when the intent log cannot be replayed. The can occur in the case of a missing or damaged log device.
resilver.start Issued when a resilver is started.
resilver.finish Issued when the running resilver have finished.
scrub.start Issued when a scrub is started on a pool.
scrub.finish Issued when a pool has finished scrubbing.
scrub.abort Issued when a scrub is aborted on a pool.
scrub.resume Issued when a scrub is resumed on a pool.
scrub.paused Issued when a scrub is paused on a pool.


This is the payload (data, information) that accompanies an event.

For zed(8), these are set to uppercase and prefixed with ZEVENT_.

pool Pool name.
pool_failmode Failmode - wait, continue, or panic. See the failmode property in zpoolprops(7) for more information.
pool_guid The GUID of the pool.
pool_context The load state for the pool (0=none, 1=open, 2=import, 3=tryimport, 4=recover 5=error).
vdev_guid The GUID of the vdev in question (the vdev failing or operated upon with zpool, etc.).
vdev_type Type of vdev - disk, file, mirror, etc. See the Virtual Devices section of zpoolconcepts(7) for more information on possible values.
vdev_path Full path of the vdev, including any -partX.
vdev_devid ID of vdev (if any).
vdev_fru Physical FRU location.
vdev_state State of vdev (0=uninitialized, 1=closed, 2=offline, 3=removed, 4=failed to open, 5=faulted, 6=degraded, 7=healthy).
vdev_ashift The ashift value of the vdev.
vdev_complete_ts The time the last I/O request completed for the specified vdev.
vdev_delta_ts The time since the last I/O request completed for the specified vdev.
vdev_spare_paths List of spares, including full path and any -partX.
vdev_spare_guids GUID(s) of spares.
vdev_read_errors How many read errors that have been detected on the vdev.
vdev_write_errors How many write errors that have been detected on the vdev.
vdev_cksum_errors How many checksum errors that have been detected on the vdev.
parent_guid GUID of the vdev parent.
parent_type Type of parent. See vdev_type.
parent_path Path of the vdev parent (if any).
parent_devid ID of the vdev parent (if any).
zio_objset The object set number for a given I/O request.
zio_object The object number for a given I/O request.
zio_level The indirect level for the block. Level 0 is the lowest level and includes data blocks. Values > 0 indicate metadata blocks at the appropriate level.
zio_blkid The block ID for a given I/O request.
zio_err The error number for a failure when handling a given I/O request, compatible with errno(3) with the value of EBADE used to indicate a ZFS checksum error.
zio_offset The offset in bytes of where to write the I/O request for the specified vdev.
zio_size The size in bytes of the I/O request.
zio_flags The current flags describing how the I/O request should be handled. See the I/O FLAGS section for the full list of I/O flags.
zio_stage The current stage of the I/O in the pipeline. See the I/O STAGES section for a full list of all the I/O stages.
zio_pipeline The valid pipeline stages for the I/O. See the I/O STAGES section for a full list of all the I/O stages.
zio_delay The time elapsed (in nanoseconds) waiting for the block layer to complete the I/O request. Unlike zio_delta, this does not include any vdev queuing time and is therefore solely a measure of the block layer performance.
zio_timestamp The time when a given I/O request was submitted.
zio_delta The time required to service a given I/O request.
prev_state The previous state of the vdev.
cksum_expected The expected checksum value for the block.
cksum_actual The actual checksum value for an errant block.
cksum_algorithm Checksum algorithm used. See zfsprops(7) for more information on the available checksum algorithms.
cksum_byteswap Whether or not the data is byteswapped.
bad_ranges [amp;start , end) pairs of corruption offsets. Offsets are always aligned on a 64-bit boundary, and can include some gaps of non-corruption. (See bad_ranges_min_gap)
bad_ranges_min_gap In order to bound the size of the bad_ranges array, gaps of non-corruption less than or equal to bad_ranges_min_gap bytes have been merged with adjacent corruption. Always at least 8 bytes, since corruption is detected on a 64-bit word basis.
bad_range_sets This array has one element per range in bad_ranges. Each element contains the count of bits in that range which were clear in the good data and set in the bad data.
bad_range_clears This array has one element per range in bad_ranges. Each element contains the count of bits for that range which were set in the good data and clear in the bad data.
bad_set_bits If this field exists, it is an array of (bad data & ~(good data)); that is, the bits set in the bad data which are cleared in the good data. Each element corresponds a byte whose offset is in a range in bad_ranges, and the array is ordered by offset. Thus, the first element is the first byte in the first bad_ranges range, and the last element is the last byte in the last bad_ranges range.
bad_cleared_bits Like bad_set_bits, but contains (good data & ~(bad data)); that is, the bits set in the good data which are cleared in the bad data.
bad_set_histogram If this field exists, it is an array of counters. Each entry counts bits set in a particular bit of a big-endian uint64 type. The first entry counts bits set in the high-order bit of the first byte, the 9th byte, etc, and the last entry counts bits set of the low-order bit of the 8th byte, the 16th byte, etc. This information is useful for observing a stuck bit in a parallel data path, such as IDE or parallel SCSI.
bad_cleared_histogram If this field exists, it is an array of counters. Each entry counts bit clears in a particular bit of a big-endian uint64 type. The first entry counts bits clears of the high-order bit of the first byte, the 9th byte, etc, and the last entry counts clears of the low-order bit of the 8th byte, the 16th byte, etc. This information is useful for observing a stuck bit in a parallel data path, such as IDE or parallel SCSI.


The ZFS I/O pipeline is comprised of various stages which are defined below. The individual stages are used to construct these basic I/O operations: Read, Write, Free, Claim, and Ioctl. These stages may be set on an event to describe the life cycle of a given I/O request.

StageBit MaskOperations


Every I/O request in the pipeline contains a set of flags which describe its function and are used to govern its behavior. These flags will be set in an event as a zio_flags payload entry.

FlagBit Mask


zfs(4), zed(8), zpool-wait(8)

ZPOOL-EVENTS (8) May 27, 2021

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