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Manual Pages  — ZPOOL-SPLIT


zpool-split – split devices off ZFS storage pool, creating new pool



zpool split [-gLlnP] [-o property=value ]… [-R root] pool newpool [device ]…


Splits devices off pool creating newpool. All vdevs in pool must be mirrors and the pool must not be in the process of resilvering. At the time of the split, newpool will be a replica of pool. By default, the last device in each mirror is split from pool to create newpool.

The optional device specification causes the specified device(s) to be included in the new pool and, should any devices remain unspecified, the last device in each mirror is used as would be by default.
  Display vdev GUIDs instead of the normal device names. These GUIDs can be used in place of device names for the zpool detach/offline/remove/replace commands.
  Display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links. This can be used to look up the current block device name regardless of the /dev/disk/ path used to open it.
  Indicates that this command will request encryption keys for all encrypted datasets it attempts to mount as it is bringing the new pool online. Note that if any datasets have keylocation= prompt, this command will block waiting for the keys to be entered. Without this flag, encrypted datasets will be left unavailable until the keys are loaded.
  Do a dry-run ("No-op") split: do not actually perform it. Print out the expected configuration of newpool.
  Display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path. This can be used in conjunction with the -L flag.
-o property=value
  Sets the specified property for newpool. See the zpoolprops(7) manual page for more information on the available pool properties.
-R root
  Set altroot for newpool to root and automatically import it.


zpool-import(8), zpool-list(8), zpool-remove(8)

ZPOOL-SPLIT (8) June 2, 2021

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On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
— Charles Babbage