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Manual Pages  — SIZE


size – display section sizes and total size of ELF objects



size [--format= format] [--help] [--radix= radix] [--totals] [--version] [-ABVdhotx] [file ...]


The size utility lists the sizes of ELF sections, and optionally the total size, for each input file specified on the command line. The size utility can operate on ELF objects, on ar(1) archives containing ELF objects, and on core dumps. If no file name is specified on the command-line, a.out is assumed.

The size utility recognized the following options:
--format= format
  Display output using the format specified by argument format. Supported values for this argument are: 'berkeley' and 'sysv'. The default output format is 'berkeley'. See Display Formats below for more information.
  Display a help message and exit.
--radix= radix
  Display numeric values using the radix specified by argument radix. Supported values for radix are 8, 10 and 16. The default radix is 10.
  Shows cumulative totals of section sizes from all objects. This option is ignored for System V style output.
  Display a version identifier and exit.
  Equivalent to specifying option --format= sysv.
  Equivalent to specifying option --format= berkeley.
  Equivalent to specifying option --version.
  Equivalent to specifying option --radix= 10.
  Equivalent to specifying option --help.
  Equivalent to specifying option --radix= 8.
  Equivalent to specifying option --totals.
  Equivalent to specifying option --radix= 16.


Berkeley Style Output

If 'berkeley' style output is in effect, an initial header line naming fields will be output, followed by one line of output for each ELF object specified on the command line or found in an archive.

Each line will contain the following whitespace separated fields in order:

  1. The size of the text segment in the object.
  2. The size of the data segment in the object.
  3. The size of the 'bss' segment in the object.
  4. The total size of the object in either decimal or octal. Decimal output is used if the specified output radix for numeric values is 10 or 16. Octal output is used if the radix being used for numeric values is 8.
  5. The total size of the object in hexadecimal.
  6. The file name of the object.

If option --totals was specified, an additional line in the same format as above will be output at the end containing the sum of the respective fields. The file name field for the line will contain the string '(TOTALS)'.

System V Style Output

If System V style output is selected, size will output the following information for each object:
  1. The name of the object followed by a colon.
  2. A header line containing the names of fields of subsequent lines.
  3. One line per section present in the object. Each line has three fields:
    1. The name of the section.
    2. Its size, in the selected radix for numeric values.
    3. The address associated with the section, in the selected numeric radix.
  4. A line whose section name field contains the string 'Total' and whose size field contains the sum of all reported section sizes.


The utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


To display the section sizes for /bin/ls use:
$ size /bin/ls
text       data       bss        dec        hex        filename
20975      540        392        21907      5593        /bin/ls

To display sizes and total for /bin/ls and /bin/dd in hexadecimal, use:

$ size -tx /bin/ls /bin/dd
text       data       bss        dec        hex        filename
0x51ef     0x21c      0x188      21907      5593        /bin/ls
0x3df5     0x170      0x200      16741      4165        /bin/dd
0x8fe4     0x38c      0x388      38648      96f8       (TOTALS)

To display section sizes for /bin/ls in System V format use:

$ size -A /bin/ls
/bin/ls  :
section            size       addr
amp;.interp            21         4194704
amp;.note.ABI-tag      24         4194728
amp;.hash              624        4194752
amp;.dynsym            2088       4195376
amp;.dynstr            810        4197464
amp;.rela.dyn          120        4198280
amp;.rela.plt          1656       4198400
amp;.init              19         4200056
amp;.plt               1120       4200076
amp;.text              15224      4201200
amp;.fini              14         4216424
amp;.rodata            1472       4216448
amp;.data              80         5267456
amp;.eh_frame          1624       5267536
amp;.dynamic           384        5269160
amp;.ctors             16         5269544
amp;.dtors             16         5269560
amp;.jcr               8          5269576
amp;.got               576        5269584
amp;.bss               528        5270176
amp;.comment           686        0
Total              27110


ar(1), nm(1), objdump(1), readelf(1), strings(1), elf(3), gelf(3)

AT&T Unix Systems Labs, http://www.sco.com/developers/gabi/, System V Application Binary Interface,


The size utility first appeared in AT&T v6 .


The size utility was re-written by S. Sam Arun Raj <Mt samarunraj@gmail.com> This manual page was written by S. Sam Arun Raj <Mt samarunraj@gmail.com>

SIZE (1) August 25, 2011

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