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Manual Pages  — ISCSI.CONF


iscsi.conf – iSCSI initiator configuration file



The iscsi.conf configuration file is used by the iscsictl(8) and iscontrol(8) utilities. The general syntax is:
        # this is a comment
        nickname_1 {
           variable = value;
        nickname_2 {
           variable = value;
AuthMethod Sets the authentication type. Type can be either "None", or "CHAP". Default is "None". When set to CHAP, both chapIName and chapSecret must be defined.
chapIName Login for CHAP authentication.
chapSecret Secret for CHAP authentication.
tgtChapName Target login for Mutual CHAP authentication.
tgtChapSecret Target secret for Mutual CHAP authentication.
HeaderDigest Sets the header digest; a checksum calculated over the header of iSCSI PDUs, and verified on receive. Digest can be either "None", or "CRC32C". Default is "None".
DataDigest Sets the data digest; a checksum calculated over the Data Section of iSCSI PDUs, and verified on receive. Digest can be either "None", or "CRC32C". Default is "None".
InitiatorName Sets the initiator name. By default, the name is concatenation of "iqn.1994-09.org.freebsd:" with the hostname.
TargetName Sets the target name. Not required for discovery sessions.
TargetAddress Sets the target address and port, in address[:port] format. The address can be either an IP address, or hostname. The optional port defaults to 3260.
SessionType Sets the session type. Type can be either "Discovery", or "Normal". Default is "Normal". For normal sessions, the TargetName must be defined. Discovery sessions result in the initiator connecting to all the targets returned by SendTargets iSCSI discovery with the defined TargetAddress.
Enable Enable or disable the session. State can be either "On", or "Off". Default is "On".
Offload Name of selected iSCSI hardware offload driver. Default is "None".
Protocol Name of selected protocol. It can be either "iSER", for iSCSI over RDMA, or "iSCSI". Default is "iSCSI".
dscp The DiffServ Codepoint used for sending data. The DSCP can be set to numeric, or hexadecimal values directly, as well as the well-defined "cs<n>" and "af<xx>" codepoints. Default is no specified dscp codepoint, which means the default of the outgoing interface is used.




myiscsi { # nickname
   targetaddress = iscsi1
   targetname    = iqn.1900.com.com:sn.123456

myiscsi6 { # nickname targetaddress = [2001:db8::de:ef]:3260 targetname = iqn.1900.com.com:sn.123456 }

chaptest { targetaddress =; targetname = iqn.1900.com.com:sn.123456; initiatorname = iqn.2005-01.il.ac.huji.cs:nobody; authmethod = CHAP; chapiname = iqn.2005-01.il.ac.huji.cs:nobody; chapsecret = "secretsecret"; }


iscontrol(8), iscsictl(8)

ISCSI.CONF (5) May 6, 2016

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