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Manual Pages  — GGATED


ggated – GEOM Gate network daemon



ggated [-h] [-n] [-v] [-a address] [-p port] [-F pidfile] [-R rcvbuf] [-S sndbuf] [exports file]


The ggated utility is a network server for the GEOM Gate class. It runs on a server machine to service GEOM Gate requests from workers placed on a client machine. Keep in mind, that connections between ggatec(8) and ggated are not encrypted.

Available options:
-a address Specifies an IP address to bind to.
-h Print available options.
-n Do not use TCP_NODELAY option on TCP sockets.
-p port Port on which ggated listens for connections. Default is 3080.
-F pidfile PID file that ggated uses.
-R rcvbuf Size of receive buffer to use. Default is 131072 (128kB).
-S sndbuf Size of send buffer to use. Default is 131072 (128kB).
-v Do not fork, run in foreground and print debug information on standard output.
exports file An alternate location for the exports file.

The format of an exports file is as follows:         RO      /dev/cd0      RW      /tmp/test.img
hostname        WO      /tmp/image


  The default location of the ggated PID file.


Exit status is 0 on success, or 1 if the command fails. To get details about the failure, ggated should be called with the -v option.


Export CD-ROM device and a file:
# echo " RO /dev/cd0" > /etc/gg.exports
# echo "client RW /image" >> /etc/gg.exports
# ggated


geom(4), ggatec(8), ggatel(8)


The ggated utility appeared in FreeBSD 5.3 .


The ggated utility as well as this manual page was written by Pawel Jakub Dawidek <Mt pjd@FreeBSD.org>.

GGATED (8) September 8, 2016

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