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Manual Pages  — KLDCONFIG


kldconfig – display or modify the kernel module search path



kldconfig [-dfimnUv] [-S sysctlname] [path ...]
kldconfig -r


The kldconfig utility displays or modifies the search path used by the kernel when loading modules using the kldload(8) utility or the kldload(2) syscall.

The following options are available:
  Remove the specified paths from the module search path.
  Do not display a diagnostic message if a path specified for adding is already present in the search path, or if a path specified for removing is not present in the search path. This may be useful in startup/shutdown scripts for adding a path to a file system which is still not mounted, or in shutdown scripts for unconditionally removing a path that may have been added during startup.
  Add the specified paths to the beginning of the search path, not to the end. This option can only be used when adding paths.
  Instead of replacing the module search path with the set of paths specified, "merge" in the new entries.
  Do not actually change the module search path.
  Display the current search path. This option cannot be used if any paths are also specified.
-S sysctlname
  Specify the sysctl name to use instead of the default kern.module_path.
  "Unique-ify" the current search path - if any of the directories is repeated one or more times, only the first occurrence remains. This option implies -m.
  Verbose output: display the new module search path. If the path has been changed, and the -v flag is specified more than once, the old path is displayed as well.


/boot/kernel, /boot/modules, /modules
  The default module search path used by the kernel.


The utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


kldload(2), kldload(8), kldxref(8), sysctl(8)


The kldconfig utility first appeared in FreeBSD 4.4 .


Peter Pentchev <Mt roam@FreeBSD.org>

KLDCONFIG (8) April 27, 2017

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