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Manual Pages  — YPSET


ypset – tell ypbind(8) which NIS server process to use



ypset [-h host] [-d domain] server


The ypset utility tells the ypbind(8) process on the current machine which NIS server process to communicate with. If server is down or is not running a NIS server process, it is not discovered until a NIS client process attempts to access a NIS map, at which time ypbind(8) tests the binding and takes appropriate action.

The ypset utility is most useful for binding a NIS client that is not on the same broadcast network as the closest NIS server, but can also be used for debugging a local network's NIS configuration, testing specific NIS client programs, or binding to a specific server when there are many servers on the local network supplying NIS maps.

The options are as follows:
-d domain
  Use the NIS domain domain instead of the default domain as returned by domainname(1).
-h host
  Set the NIS binding on host instead of the local machine.


domainname(1), ypcat(1), ypmatch(1), yp(8), ypbind(8)


Theo De Raadt

YPSET (8) September 3, 2015

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