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Manual Pages  — ZPOOL-HISTORY


zpool-history – inspect command history of ZFS storage pools



zpool history [-il] [pool ]…


Displays the command history of the specified pool(s) or all pools if no pool is specified.
  Displays internally logged ZFS events in addition to user initiated events.
  Displays log records in long format, which in addition to standard format includes, the user name, the hostname, and the zone in which the operation was performed.


zpool-checkpoint(8), zpool-events(8), zpool-status(8), zpool-wait(8)

ZPOOL-HISTORY (8) August 9, 2019

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The most horrifying thing about Unix is that, no matter how many times you hit yourself over the head with it, you never quite manage to lose consciousness. It just goes on and on.
— Patrick Sobalvarro