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Inführung in Dienstprogramme für Benutzer - Abschnitt 1 - Manpage

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apropos ar basename cat cdrecord chgrp chmod chown chroot chsh cksum cmp comm compress cp csplit cut date dd df diff dir dircolors dirname doshell du echo egrep env expand expr factor false fdformat file find fmt fold free ginstall grep groups gzip head hostid hostname id info install intro join kill less ln login logname ls lunetIX man manpath mcopy md5sum mdel mdir mformat mkdir mkfifo mknod mmd more mrd mread mtools mv newgrp nice nl nohup od passwd paste pathchk pinky plog poff pon pr printenv printf ps ptx pwd rm rmdir sed seq sha1sum shred sleep sort split stty su sum sync tac tail tar tee test tkinfo touch tr true tsort tty uname unexpand uniq uptime users vdir wc whatis who whoami write yes zsoelim

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